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Europe's Defense Concerns in an Era of Global Disorder

"The post-COVID-19 era will exacerbate existing threat perceptions in Europe and also create new defining lines," warns Europe expert, Velina Tchakarova.

COVID-19 accelerated many existing trends in global politics, including the challenges posed by a rising China to Western policymakers and to liberal democratic states. At the same time, China and Russia’s growing cooperation on a number of global issues, which preceded the pandemic, is increasingly viewed as a threat in European capitals. To understand the impact of COVID-19 and the Chinese-Russian partnership on European threat perceptions and security planning in the European Union, Wikistrat interviewed Velina Tchakarova, an expert on EU foreign, security, and defense policy.

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Velina Tchakarova

Velina Tchakarova is Head of Institute at the Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (AIES) in Vienna, Austria. She holds an M.A. in Political Science/Political Science of South Asia from the University in Heidelberg, Germany, and a B.A. in International Relations from the University of World and National Economy in Sofia, Bulgaria. Her work includes research, consulting, and lecturing on the global system transformation and geostrategy of global actors, particularly the EU’s role in Eastern Europe.

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