Africa Community

Ambassador David Shinn
Adjunct professor in the George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs. He previously served for 37 years in the U.S. Foreign Service with assignments at embassies in Kenya, Tanzania, Mauritania, Cameroon, and Sudan, and as ambassador to Burkina Faso and Ethiopia

Dr. Moshe Terdiman
Founder and Director of Green Compass Research, as well as Founder and Director of Research on Islam and Muslims in Africa (RIMA)

Dr. Deirdre LaPin
Scholar and international development specialist. Served as a diplomat for UNICEF in Benin and Somalia, for USAID’s Global Health Bureau, and as Community Development Manager for Shell in Nigeria.

Prof. Nelson Kasfir
Professor of Government Emeritus at Dartmouth College. He writes about African politics, democracy, parliament and development, particularly issues involving Uganda and Kenya

Prof. Hussein Solomon
Professor in the Department of Political Studies and Governance at the University of the Free State, South Africa and is a Senior Research Associate of the Israeli-based Research on Islam and Muslims in Africa (RIMA)