David Paul Goldman
American economist, music critic, and author, best known for his series of online essays in the Asia Times under the pseudonym Spengler

Paul Twomey
Distinguished fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation
Dr. Ryusuke Masuoka
Research principal at Fujitsu System Integration Laboratories Limited

Dr. Itamara Lochard
Director of Cyber Policy Studies at the C4I & Cyber Center of Excellence at George Mason University, Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Technology & National Security Policy at U.S. National Defense University

Dr. Roey Tzezana
Fellow in Yuval Ne'eman Workshop for Science, Technology & Security, and lectures in the Technion

Dr. Denise Baken
Founding Executive Director of the Institute for Biodefense Research (IBR)

Andy Bochman
Senior Cyber and Energy Strategist at Idaho National Lab
Gary Hunt
Strategy and technology executive, consulting practice leader and C-level trusted adviser at Deloitte, IHS and Ventyx
Drew Martin
Principal Drill & Blast Engineer at Blast It Global and former Principal advisor for Drill & Blast (Technology and Innovation) at Rio Tinto

Dr. Ariel Cohen
Director, Center for Energy, Natural Resources and Geopolitics (CENRG) at the Institute for Analysis of Global Security (IAGS)

Dr. Cyril Widdershoven
Veteran global energy market expert and founder of Verocy
Dr. Thomas O’Donnell
International academic, expert analyst and writer working on energy and international affairs, particularly the global oil and gas systems

Dr. Roie Yellinek
Doctoral researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, non-resident scholar at the Middle East Institute and adjunct researcher at the IDF Dado Center. He is a specialist in the growing relationship between the Middle East, Central Asia, and China, especially regarding the soft power.

Prof. Ann Lee
Internationally recognized leading authority on China’s economic relations and an adjunct professor of economics and finance at New York University

Prof. Allison Stanger
Political Scientist and the Russell J. Leng '60 Professor of International Politics and Economics at Middlebury College and the founding director of Middlebury's Rohatyn Center for International Affairs

Dr. Adam C. Powell
President of Payer+Provider Syndicate, a management advisory and operational consulting firm focused on the managed care and healthcare delivery industries

Dr. Calla Wiemer
President of the American Committee on Asian Economic Studies and Editor-in-Chief of its publication, the Journal of Asian Economics

Dr. Joel Sokolsky
Professor of Political Science at the Royal Military College of Canada (RMC)

Dr. Claudia Hofmann
Director of the Master in International Service (MIS) program at the School of International Service at American University in Washington, DC

Dr. John T. Hanley Jr
Former Director for Strategy in the Office of the ODNI

Dr. Robert Worley
Senior Fellow at Johns Hopkins University Center for Advanced Governmental Studies

Dr. James Joyner
Associate Professor of Strategic Studies at the Command and Staff College, and a nonresident senior fellow at the Brent Scowcroft Center on International Security at the Atlantic Council

Anne-Marie Slaughter
President and CEO of New America, a think and action tank dedicated to renewing America in the Digital Age

Dr. Monica Arruda de Almeida
Adjunct professor at the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) at Georgetown University

Ben Cokelet
Founder and Executive Director of PODER - Project on Organizing, Development, Education, and Research

Dr. Dorothy Kronick
Assistant professor of political science at the University of Pennsylvania, focusing on comparative political economy, comparative political behavior, the electoral politics of crime, Latin American politics and quantitative methods

Jose L. Chalhoub Naffah
Oil and political risk analyst based in Venezuela

Dr. Raslan Ibrahim
Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Relations at State University of New York, previously Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)

Prof. Marvin G. Weinbaum
Professor emeritus of political science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and former analyst for Pakistan and Afghanistan in the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Intelligence and Research

Dr. Shanthie Mariet D'Souza
Research Fellow at the Institute of South Asian Studies (ISAS), National University of Singapore

Dr. Bibhu Prasad Routray
Deputy Director in the National Security Council Secretariat, Government of India and Director of the Institute for Conflict Management (ICM)’s Database & Documentation Centre, Guwahati, Assam

Brig. (ret.) Shaukat Qadir
Retired brigadier in the Pakistan Army, and former Vice President of the Islamabad Policy Research Institute and visiting faculty at Fatima Jinnah University

Commodore (Ret.) Rajesh Sarin
Experienced submariner in the Indian Navy, instrumental in introducing new naval technology transferred from Russia

Michael Kugelman
Deputy Director of the Asia Program and Senior Associate for South Asia at the Wilson Center

Keir Giles
Senior consulting fellow of the Russia and Eurasia Programme

Dr. Dmitri Vitalyevich Trenin
Director of the Carnegie Moscow Center, a think tank and regional affiliate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Dr. Mark Galeotti
Author of We Need To Talk About Putin and a senior research associate of the Royal United Services Institute

Dr. Mark N. Katz
Nonresident senior fellow with the Atlantic Council's Middle East Programs, and professor of government and politics at the George Mason University Schar School of Policy and Government

Dr. Stephen J. Blank
Senior Fellow at the American Foreign Policy Council

Jeffrey Mankoff
Deputy Director and a senior fellow with the CSIS Russia and Eurasia Program

Dr. Minxin Pei
Professor of government at Claremont McKenna College and a non-resident senior fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States.

Bonnie S. Glaser
Senior adviser for Asia and the director of the China Power Project at CSIS, where she works on issues related to Asia-Pacific security with a focus on Chinese foreign and security policy

Prof. Kang Liu
Professor of Chinese Studies at Duke University since 2003, and Director of Duke Program of Research on China

Dr. Yawei Liu
Director of the China Program at the Carter Center

Richard A Bitzinger
Visiting Senior Fellow with the Military Transformations Program at the S Rajaratnam School of International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Dr. William Hurst
Associate Professor of Political Science at Northwestern University, focusing on dimensions of Chinese and Indonesian politics

Prof. Zhiqun Zhu
Professor of Political Science and International Relations at Bucknell University

Robert E. Kelly
American political analyst on inter-Korean affairs and associate professor in political science at Pusan National University

Dr. Saud Al-Sharafat
Former Brig. Gen in the Jordanian General Intelligence Directorate, as well as founder and chairman of the Shorufat ِCenter for the Study of Globalization and Terrorism

Prof. Riccardo Redaelli
Director of the Center for Research on the Southern System and Wider Mediterranean of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and the Director of the Master in Middle Eastern Studies at the Graduate School of Economics and International Relations - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Prof. F. Gregory Gause, III
Professor of International Affairs and Head of the International Affairs Department at the Bush School of Government and Public Service, Texas A&M University

Prof. Zhiqun Zhu
CEO and founder of Gulf State Analytics, a geopolitical risk consultancy based in Washington, DC

Prof. Joshua Landis
Director of the Center for Middle East Studies and Professor at the University of Oklahoma's College of International Studies

Prof. Shaul Mishal
Head of the Middle East Program at the Lauder School of Government, Diplomacy and Strategy at IDC, and the Brian Mulroney Professor of Government at Tel Aviv University

Soner Cagaptay
Beyer Family Fellow and director of the Turkish Research Program at The Washington Institute

Ambassador David Shinn
Adjunct professor in the George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs. He previously served for 37 years in the U.S. Foreign Service with assignments at embassies in Kenya, Tanzania, Mauritania, Cameroon, and Sudan, and as ambassador to Burkina Faso and Ethiopia

Dr. Moshe Terdiman
Founder and Director of Green Compass Research, as well as Founder and Director of Research on Islam and Muslims in Africa (RIMA)

Dr. Deirdre LaPin
Scholar and international development specialist. Served as a diplomat for UNICEF in Benin and Somalia, for USAID’s Global Health Bureau, and as Community Development Manager for Shell in Nigeria

Prof. Nelson Kasfir
Professor of Government Emeritus at Dartmouth College. He writes about African politics, democracy, parliament and development, particularly issues involving Uganda and Kenya

Prof. Hussein Solomon
Professor in the Department of Political Studies and Governance at the University of the Free State, South Africa and is a Senior Research Associate of the Israeli-based Research on Islam and Muslims in Africa (RIMA)

Dr. Daniel Hamilton
Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation Professor and Founding Director of the Center for Transatlantic Relations at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins University

Richard Weitz
Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Political-Military Analysis at Hudson Institute

Prof. Miriam L. Campanella
Senior Fellow at ECIPE, and a former Jean Monnet professor at the University of Turin. In 2001, she was appointed at the Cabinet of Ministers of Economy and Finance in Rome

Dr. Esther Lopatin
Director of the Center for European Studies at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya

Dr. Michael J. Geary
Global Fellow with the Wilson Center’s Global Europe Program and an Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Jonathan Spyer
Author of Days of the Fall: A Reporter’s Journey in the Syria and Iraq Wars (2017), and The Transforming Fire: the Rise of the Israel-Islamist Conflict (2010)

Michael Pregent
Senior Middle East analyst, a former adjunct lecturer for the College of International Security Affairs, and a visiting fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University

Walid Phares
American political scientist, author, and advisor. He served as Foreign Policy Advisor to President Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign and as senior National Security Advisor to Presidential candidate Mitt Romney in 2011 and 2012

Dr. Ahmet Erdi Ozturk
Lecturer/Assistant Professor of politics and international relations at London Metropolitan University and co-editor of Edinburgh University Press Series on Modern Turkey

Dr. Leon Hadar
Washington-based foreign correspondent and global political and economic affairs analyst.

Ronen Weinberg
Strategy, technology and innovation senior consultant and European Commission programs advisor. Focus on start-ups and advise as well to Fortune 500 companies.
Mr. Erwin Pfuhler
Erwin earned his Diplom-Kaufmann from Munich School of Management. He has been in IT sales for three decades. Blockchain-based business models and digital identity are his special interest.

Mr. Nick Drage
Director of Path Dependence Limited, experienced in red and blue cyber security, from technical through sales to strategic considerations